====== Cooperative and Collaborative events ====== * Coding Dojos * The official site seems to have a problem today https://codingdojo.org/ * [[https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coding_Dojo|Coding Dojos (Wikipedia in Portuguese)]] * In English, it is only part of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dojo#Computer-related|Dojo]] * Code Katas in Portuguese http://dojopuzzles.com/ * Coderetreats * Site: https://www.coderetreat.org/ * Game of Life * In Portuguese https://marcogomes.com/blog/2008/o-jogo-da-vida-de-john-conway/ * Demo https://marcogomes.com/gameoflife/html/ ===== Adapted to practice ===== Mob programming seems to be a Coding Dojo in real life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mob_programming You can do [[https://www.remotemobprogramming.org/|Remote Mob Programming]]. Is [[https://www.twitch.tv/josevalim/video/338906698|live coding]] a kind of mob programming with dozens, hundreds of participants? [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UgmuLn9VRQ|Planning Poker]]. It is collaborative. There is no winner.