====== My favorite podcasts - Part 1 ====== Right now (May 6th, 2018), [[http://revisionisthistory.com/|Revisionist History]] is my #1 favorite podcast. Malcolm Gladwel is a great storyteller. His three episodes on universities in the USA are excellent. This is a podcast in seasons. [[https://twitter.com/gladwell/status/969655098983972865?lang=en|Season 3 will be launched soon]]. The other podcasts in my main list launch episodes regularly and are: * [[http://www.econtalk.org/|EconTalk]], by Russ Roberts, is a podcast on economics. But it is a broad view of economics which is useful to anyone. I loved his many [[http://www.econlib.org/cgi-bin/searchblogs.pl?blog=2&query=%22nassim%20nicholas%20taleb%22|interviews with Nassim Nicholas Taleb]]. * [[http://freakonomics.com/|Freakonomics Radio]]. I loved their episode on [[http://freakonomics.com/podcast/shoes/|barefoot running]]. * [[https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510308/hidden-brain|Hidden Brain]]. Their [[https://www.npr.org/2017/07/25/539092670/you-2-0-the-value-of-deep-work-in-an-age-of-distraction| episode on Deep Work]] was the best I have heard on the subject (and I have listened to several podcast episodes with Cal Newport). * [[https://www.wnycstudios.org/shows/radiolab/|Radiolab]]. The recent [[https://www.wnycstudios.org/story/border-trilogy-part-1|Border Trilogy]] was touching. * [[https://rework.fm/|ReWork]]. I am a big fan of [[https://twitter.com/dhh|@dhh]] so it was natural to me to listen to this podcast. These are the podcasts which are in my main, general interest list. This means that other podcasts that I listen to which are either: * Specific to programmers or academics; * In Portuguese; * Or podcasts that I listen here and there. The list is dynamic so in a few months my main list can change.