
Alexandre Reis Graeml

I am a full professor at the Federal University of Technology in Curitiba, Brazil.
I am also a visiting professor at the Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs (Esigelec) Business Information Systems Masters Programme, in Rouen, France, where I teach a graduate course, every year.

My current research interest is mainly about:

  • Collective intelligence
  • Social computing

I also have an interest on the following issues:

  • Information systems in our society
  • Information systems strategic alignment
  • Adoption/acceptance of information systems

Additional information:

Publications: journal papers, conference proceedings
E-mail: graeml [at]
Lattes resume.
Skype: 'graeml'


Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
Departamento de Informática Av. Sete de Setembro, 3165,
Rebouças Curitiba-PR Brazil CEP 80230-901
Phone: +55 (41) 3310-4750 (office)

Events I helped to organize:

Isla 2016   Isla 2015   Isla 2014 (Information Systems in Latin America Conference)