Sylvio Block,  
Ricardo D. da Silva,  
Leyza B. Dorini,  
Rodrigo Minetto  
Federal University of Technology - Parana, DAINF, Curitiba, Brazil
This research focuses on the automatic detection and classification of imprint
defects on the surface of metal parts.
This innovative research had
collaboration with a multinational industry, which provided a system to capture
images of vehicle parts as well as information about defects, their frequency,
and quality requirements. As our main contribution, we proposed a framework
that combines detection, classification, and tracking in a synergistic way to
assist the automotive industry. We used a state-of-the-art convolutional neural
network, known as RetinaNet, to detect and classify imprint defects. We
explored the temporal coherence in consecutive frames by tracking detected
regions so as to reduce false alarms --- unstable candidate regions that are
rarely (re)detected many times --- or to fix the classification of regions that
are alternated classified as mild or severe imprint across frames. In our
experiments, we achieved a mean average precision of 76% to detect and
classify mild and severe defects, outperforming state-of-the-art detectors for
static images. For severe imprints only, we achieved precision and recall
values of 90% and 92%, respectively. These are promising
results that could also benefit other industrial applications such as
inspection of fissures, holes, wrinkles and scratches, that also use image
Inspection of Imprint Defects in Stamped Metal Surfaces using Deep Learning and Tracking.
S.B. Block, R.D. da Silva, L.B. Dorini and R. Minetto, pp. 1-10, 2020.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Eletronics (TIE)