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questionnaire [2015/02/10 20:27] adolfontquestionnaire [2020/11/19 11:42] (current) – external edit
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 1) When, how and why did you start going to Meetups*? 1) When, how and why did you start going to Meetups*?
- *or Users' Groups or other kind of face-to-face meeting related to technology but that are is part of your job.+ *or Users' Groups or other kind of face-to-face meeting related to technology but that is not part of your job.
-2) Why do you help toorganize Meetups?  Which are the challenges and the benefits (for you personally) in being a co-organizer?+2) Why do you help to organize Meetups?  Which are the challenges and the benefits (for you personally) in being a co-organizer?
 3) In your opinion, which are the challenges and benefits for Meetup participants? 3) In your opinion, which are the challenges and benefits for Meetup participants?
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 Do you have any exposure to that? Do you have any exposure to that?
 If so, what do you think of it? If so, what do you think of it?
 +===== Should have, if for other person =====
 +0) Please describe who you are and what you do for a living.
questionnaire.1423600055.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/19 11:42 (external edit)