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Sent to Nathan Walls on 10/02/2015

1) When, how and why did you start going to Meetups*? *or Users' Groups or other kind of face-to-face meeting related to technology but that is not part of your job.

2) Why do you help to organize Meetups? Which are the challenges and the benefits (for you personally) in being a co-organizer?

3) In your opinion, which are the challenges and benefits for Meetup participants?

4) In your opinion, which are the challenges and benefits for companies that host Meetups?

5) Do you think that Meetup participants can (or even should) disseminate what they learn in Meetups? Do you think that this happens?

6) Do you think there is a need for different Meetup formats besides the apparently most used one, the talk?

7) Do you see any relationship between Meetups and Conferences? Do you think that Meetups are more interactive than Conferences?

8) Do you think that it is more difficult for professionals that are married and/or have young children or other family responsibilities to participate in Meetups?

9) (this question is not related to Meetups) What is your knowledge, if any, of scientific research in Software Engineering? Do you have any exposure to that? If so, what do you think of it?

Should have, if for other person

0) Please describe who you are and what you do for a living.

questionnaire.1423600226.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/19 08:42 (external edit)