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Examples for Processing (BETA) version 91+. If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have comments, please let us know.

Cellular Automata 3
by Mike Davis <http://www.lightcycle.org>

A short program for alife experiments. Click in the window to restart. Each cell is represented by a pixel on the display as well as an entry in the array 'cells'. Each cell has a run() method, which performs actions based on the cell's surroundings. Cells run one at a time (to avoid conflicts like wanting to move to the same space) and in random order.

Created 9 January 2003

// Cellular Automata 3 
// by Mike Davis <http://www.lightcycle.org> 

World w; 
int maxcells = 4000; 
int numcells; 
Cell[] cells = new Cell[maxcells]; 
color spore1, spore2, spore3, spore4; 
color black = color(0, 0, 0); 
// set lower for smoother animation, higher for faster simulation 
int runs_per_loop = 10000; 
void setup() 
  size(200, 200); 
  w = new World(); 
  spore1 = color(128, 172, 255); 
  spore2 = color(64, 128, 255); 
  spore3 = color(255, 128, 172); 
  spore4 = color(255, 64, 128); 
  numcells = 0; 
void seed() 
  // Add cells at random places 
  for (int i = 0; i < maxcells; i++) 
    int cX = int(random(width)); 
    int cY = int(random(height)); 
    int c; 
    float r = random(1); 
    if (r < 0.25) c = spore1; 
    else if (r < 0.5) c = spore2; 
    else if (r < 0.75) c = spore3; 
    else c = spore4; 
    if (w.getpix(cX, cY) == black) 
      w.setpix(cX, cY, c); 
      cells[numcells] = new Cell(cX, cY); 
void draw() 
  // Run cells in random order 
  for (int i = 0; i < runs_per_loop; i++) { 
    int selected = min((int)random(numcells), numcells - 1); 
void clearscr() 
  for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { 
    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { 
      set(x, y, color(0)); 
class Cell 
  int x, y; 
  Cell(int xin, int yin) 
    x = xin; 
    y = yin; 
  // Perform action based on surroundings 
  void run() 
    // Fix cell coordinates 
    while(x < 0) { 
    while(x > width - 1) { 
    while(y < 0) { 
    while(y > height - 1) { 
    // Cell instructions 
    int myColor = w.getpix(x, y); 
    if (myColor == spore1) { 
      if (w.getpix(x - 1, y + 1) == black && w.getpix(x + 1, y + 1) == black && w.getpix(x, y + 1) == black) move(0, 1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x - 1, y) == spore2 && w.getpix(x - 1, y - 1) != black) move(0, -1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x - 1, y) == spore2 && w.getpix(x - 1, y - 1) == black) move(-1, -1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x + 1, y) == spore1 && w.getpix(x + 1, y - 1) != black) move(0, -1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x + 1, y) == spore1 && w.getpix(x + 1, y - 1) == black) move(1, -1); 
      else move((int)random(3) - 1, 0); 
    } else if (myColor == spore2) { 
      if (w.getpix(x - 1, y + 1) == black && w.getpix(x + 1, y + 1) == black && w.getpix(x, y + 1) == black) move(0, 1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x + 1, y) == spore1 && w.getpix(x + 1, y - 1) != black) move(0, -1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x + 1, y) == spore1 && w.getpix(x + 1, y - 1) == black) move(1, -1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x - 1, y) == spore2 && w.getpix(x - 1, y - 1) != black) move(0, -1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x - 1, y) == spore2 && w.getpix(x - 1, y - 1) == black) move(-1, -1); 
      else move((int)random(3) - 1, 0); 
    else if (myColor == spore3) 
      if (w.getpix(x - 1, y - 1) == black && w.getpix(x + 1, y - 1) == black && w.getpix(x, y - 1) == black) move(0, -1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x - 1, y) == spore4 && w.getpix(x - 1, y + 1) != black) move(0, 1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x - 1, y) == spore4 && w.getpix(x - 1, y + 1) == black) move(-1, 1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x + 1, y) == spore3 && w.getpix(x + 1, y + 1) != black) move(0, 1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x + 1, y) == spore3 && w.getpix(x + 1, y + 1) == black) move(1, 1); 
      else move((int)random(3) - 1, 0); 
    else if (myColor == spore4) 
      if (w.getpix(x - 1, y - 1) == black && w.getpix(x + 1, y - 1) == black && w.getpix(x, y - 1) == black) move(0, -1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x + 1, y) == spore3 && w.getpix(x + 1, y + 1) != black) move(0, 1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x + 1, y) == spore3 && w.getpix(x + 1, y + 1) == black) move(1, 1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x - 1, y) == spore4 && w.getpix(x - 1, y + 1) != black) move(0, 1); 
      else if (w.getpix(x - 1, y) == spore4 && w.getpix(x - 1, y + 1) == black) move(-1, 1); 
      else move((int)random(3) - 1, 0); 
  // Will move the cell (dx, dy) units if that space is empty 
  void move(int dx, int dy) { 
    if (w.getpix(x + dx, y + dy) == black) { 
      w.setpix(x + dx, y + dy, w.getpix(x, y)); 
      w.setpix(x, y, color(0)); 
      x += dx; 
      y += dy; 
//  The World class simply provides two functions, get and set, which access the 
//  display in the same way as getPixel and setPixel.  The only difference is that 
//  the World class's get and set do screen wraparound ("toroidal coordinates"). 
class World 
  void setpix(int x, int y, int c) { 
    while(x < 0) x+=width; 
    while(x > width - 1) x-=width; 
    while(y < 0) y+=height; 
    while(y > height - 1) y-=height; 
    set(x, y, c); 
  color getpix(int x, int y) { 
    while(x < 0) x+=width; 
    while(x > width - 1) x-=width; 
    while(y < 0) y+=height; 
    while(y > height - 1) y-=height; 
    return get(x, y); 
void mousePressed() 

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