// Characters_Strings
// by REAS <http://reas.com>
PImage frog;
PFont fontA;
int lettersize = 90;
int xoffset;
char letter;
void setup()
size(200, 200);
fontA = loadFont("Eureka90.vlw");
// The String datatype must be capitalized because it is a complex datatype.
// A String is actually a class with its own methods, some of which are
// featured below.
String name= "rathausFrog";
String extension = ".jpg";
int nameLength = name.length();
println("The length of " + name + " is " + nameLength + ".");
name = name.concat(extension);
nameLength = name.length();
println("The length of " + name + " is " + nameLength + ".");
// The parameter for the loadImage() method must be a string
// This line could also be written "frog = loadImage("rathausFrog.jpg");
frog = loadImage(name);
void draw()
background(51); // Set background to dark gray
image(frog, xoffset, 0);
// Draw an X
line(0, 0, width, height);
line(0, height, width, 0);
// Get the width of the letter
int letterWidth = int(fontA.width(letter) * lettersize);
// Draw the letter to the center of the screen
text(letter, width/2-letterWidth/2, height/2);
void keyPressed()
// The variable "key" always contains the value of the most recent key pressed.
// If the key is an upper or lowercase letter between 'A' and 'z'
// the image is shifted to the corresponding value of that key
if(key >= 'A' && key <= 'z') {
letter = char(key);
// Scale the values to numbers between 0 and 100
float scale = 100.0/57.0;
int temp = int((key - 'A') * scale);
// Set the offset for the image
xoffset = temp;