// Variable_Scope
// by REAS <http://reas.com>
int a = 20; // Create a global variable "a"
void setup()
size(200, 200);
void draw()
// Draw a line using the global variable "a"
line(a, 0, a, height);
// Create a new variable "a" local to the for() statement
for(int a=50; a<80; a += 2) {
line(a, 0, a, height);
// Create a new variable "a" local to the loop() method
int a = 100;
// Draw a line using the new local variable "a"
line(a, 0, a, height);
// Make a call to the custom function drawAnotherLine()
// Make a call to the custom function setYetAnotherLine()
void drawAnotherLine()
// Create a new variable "a" local to this method
int a = 185;
// Draw a line using the local variable "a"
line(a, 0, a, height);
void drawYetAnotherLine()
// Because no new local variable "a" is set,
// this lines draws using the original global
// variable "a" which is set to the value 20.
line(a+2, 0, a+2, height);