The team

This project is maintened by a team of professors, graduated students and undergraduated students at the Federal University of Technology - Paraná. We present below the description of each member working in this project, including the Lattes CV and a contact address. The Lattes Platform is a Brazilian database of researchers, hosted by CNPq, the federal bureau for science and technology. Brazilian researchers keep their records up to date in this platform.


Left to right, Up: Prof.Oroski, Prof Linhares, Prof.Lazzaretti, Prof.Pottker, Prof.Renaux
Bottom: Gamba, Mulinari, Prof.Erig, Tokarski.


  • Prof.Dr.André Eugênio Lazzaretti: Experience on the area of pattern recognition, digital signal processing, embedded systems, computational vision and energy systems. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Prof.Dr.Carlos Raimundo Erig Lima: Experience on the area of control, embedded systems and design of reconfigurable logic circuits. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Prof.Dr.Douglas Paulo Bertrand Renaux: Experience in embedded systems, real time systems, modeling of computational systems, HiL simulation, temporal instimulation, temporal mediation and tools for software engeneering. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Prof.Dr.Elder Oroski: Experience in renewable energy, systems indetification and process control. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Prof.Dr.Fabiana Pottker: Experience in static conversors, power factor correction, active filters and numeric simulation. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Prof.Dr.Paulo Cézar Stadzisz: Experience in software engeneering, requirement engeneering, news paradigm, capitalization of knowledge and embedded softwares. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Prof.Dr.Rafael Eleodoro de Góes: Experience in eletric engeneering, focus on nanotecnologies and embedded systems. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Prof.Dr.Robson Ribeiro Linhares: Experience in notification-oriented paradigm (PON), computer architectures and real time systems. Access to Lattes CV here

Graduate Students

  • Bruna Machado Mulinari: Experience in pattern recognition (machine learning), digital signal processing and embedded systems. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Clayton Hilgemberg da Costa: Access to Lattes CV here
  • Guilherme Dan Yamada: Knowledge in eletrical circuit development, C and C++ languages, Java, Assembly, Matlab, VHDL and graphic software(Autocad 2D, Altium). Access to Lattes CV here
  • Hellen Cristina Ancelmo: Experience in control of dynamics systems form LMIs, identification of power signature, eletric projects and industrial automation. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Marcelo Paludetto Rodrigues: Access to Lattes CV here

Undergraduate Students

  • Adil de Oliveira Coelho Neto: Access to Lattes CV here
  • Adriano Ricardo de Abreu Gamba: Experience in eletric engeneering , focus on eletronic,capacitive sensors, rfid, resistive sensors and soil moisture. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Gilberto Lexinoski: Experience in informatic on industrial level, telecomunications and eletrical systems with high conviability. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Lucas Tokarski Lima: Experience in eletric engeneering, circuit projects and electrical installations. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Luiz Augusto Bernardi: Experience in eletric engeneering, focus on eletric, magnetic and eletronic circuits. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Mateus Campaner Hercules: Experience on embedded systems. Access to Lattes CV here
  • Sheila Naomi Turuta: Access to Lattes CV here
  • Xie Jiayu: Access to Lattes CV here




This research is being supported by Copel Distribuição S.A., a Brazilian power company serving the state of Parana. Project PD 2866-0464-2017.